Looking for an ultra thin reverse illuminated tension fabric light box?
Then our reverse lit dye sub tension fabric light boxes are the perfect solution. From reverse illuminated to non-lit modular tension fabric booth wall systems, Vector frame systems may be scaled to all booth space sizes.
Did you know reverse illuminated vector frame fabric light boxes:
- Are Ultra thin with 4-inch depth
- Maybe sized up to 10-foot seamless widths
- Include a back side diffuser panel
- Are Ship Friendly
- May include double sided graphics
- Are Scalable side by side up to 20 foot, 30 foot and more
- Have Reverse lit with bright LED lighting
- Come fabricated with a Lightweight aluminum design
- Have an Easy set up architectural fabric framing
- Have flush Vector frame style slide in grooves
Plus, not long ago, it used to be that reverse lit tension fabric booth systems were at least 2 foot deep to eliminate light box shadows.