Looking for a dye sub fabric linear pop-up display to showcase your booth area?
Did you attract the attention you deserved at your last event? Want an affordable pop-up booth display solution? Then true dye sub tension fabric is the way to go. True dye sub seamless tension pop up fabric displays, when printed properly, offer amazing head turning results. Did your display look as good as the one in the photo on the right? Do you want to stand out from the booth next to you? Did you know G7 certified printing really does matter. Want to discuss your exhibit booth options with a trade show display expert before your next industry show? Then call Big Printing Las Vegas today at (702) 823-5004, or click the ‘Request A Quote’ button at the bottom of the page.
Did you know fabric pop-up display options include:
- Straight linear pop-up booth?
- Curved linear pop up display?
- Internally illuminated fabric display?
- Backlit fabric using rows of LED tubes
- Step Repeat capability?
- Media Wall backdrop?
- Wrap around dye sub booth fabric side panels?
- Fast turnaround times?
- A guaranteed in-hand date anywhere in the USA.
- Lifetime frame warranties.
Give us a call now at (702) 823-5004 for custom sizes.